Jinja2 is a fast template engine for Python.
Can I use macros with the PythonOperator? I tried following, but I was unable to get the macros rendered: dag = …
jinja2 airflowI don't want use url_for('static', file_name='foo.jpg') to get static file in template. how to get …
python flask jinja2 static-filesI'm running the micro framework Bottle on Google App Engine. I'm using Jinja2 for my templates. And I'm using Beaker …
python google-app-engine session jinja2 beakerI am using a simple template with only variables in it. This is how my task looks like in my …
ansible jinja2 ansible-templateI am currently rendering several Flask fields (SelectFields, InputFields) using the following jinja2 template: <div>{{ wtf.form_field(…
flask jinja2 wtforms flask-wtformsI'm trying to extend my template with 'master.html' template of Flask-Admin like this: {% extends 'admin/master.html' %} {% block body %} …
python flask jinja2 flask-adminI am just looking into using Jinja2 with a python application I have already written. I may be going about …
python jinja2 weasyprintI'm trying to insert jQuery templates into Jinja2 templates. Alas they both (in the default setup) use the mustaches {{ & }} …
jquery jinja2 jquery-templates