Top "Jquery-templates" questions

jQuery templates is a plugin written by the Microsoft ASP.

JS: pass variable onclick

I'm trying to pass a variable to a function, I know there are many topics about this, and I've nearly …

javascript jquery variables jquery-templates
JavaScript math, round to two decimal places in Jquery template

I have some code {{if commission}} <td>${profit - commission}</td> {{else}} <td>${profit}&…

javascript jquery jquery-templates
How to output ${expression} in Freemarker without it being interpreted?

I'm trying to use Freemarker in conjunction with jQuery Templates. Both frameworks use dollar sign/curly brackets to identify expressions …

el freemarker jquery-templates
Bind to simple array of strings

If I want to bind a template to a plain old array of strings, what do I put in the ${??} …

knockout.js jquery-templates
Access index of $parent in knockout.js

In knockout.js 2.1.0, in a template using the foreach binding, you can access the current item's index though the $index() …

javascript knockout.js jquery-templates
jQuery Templates are deprecated?

I see that per the jQuery plugin template page that jQuery plugins have gone from beta to deprecated without passing …

jquery templates jquery-templates
load jQuery-Templates from external file?

I just started using jQuery's template engine. Which looks quite nice so far. Yet i wonder if it's possible to …

jquery templates jquery-templates
Simplest way to get current item index within jQuery template

I am passing an array of objects to jQuery template (official jquery-tmpl plugin): $("#itemTmpl").tmpl(items).appendTo("body"); <script …

jquery jquery-templates
javascript function inside jquery template

Seems I am having some issues calling a javascript function inside a jquery template. I've got a demo set up …

jquery jquery-templates
understanding Jquery template

I am reading and trying to understand a Jquery template example. <script id="movieTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> {{tmpl "…

jquery jquery-plugins jquery-templates