Top "Jetty" questions

Eclipse Jetty is a widely-used async Java-based HTTP server and servlet engine supporting HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSocket protocols.

Why am i seeing lots of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT status when webservice stops working?

My java webservice running on Jetty falls over after a period of a few hours and investigation indicate many sockets …

java tomcat tcp jetty load-balancing
Jetty IdleTimeout

I am migrating from jetty7.6 to jetty-9.2. I am seeing that default value of idletimeout for jetty connections is reduced 10 …

jetty jetty-9
IntelliJ Idea IDE using port 1099

I'm using IntelliJ Idea Community Edition IDE and I'm trying to run a Maven WebApp with Jetty by command line. …

java maven intellij-idea jetty rmi
Running Jetty 7 as Windows Service

Did Jetty 7 drop support to run as a service using Java Service Wrapper? What options do I have now?

windows service jetty
how to make jetty server accessible from LAN?

I am trying to access a web app (deployed in jetty8 on my machine (A)) from another machine (B) on …

java jetty localhost maven-3 lan
Debug web app in IntelliJ, webapp built by maven, run by jetty

I'm using s/o code, it's a java webapp built by maven. The webapp is run by maven script, like …

debugging web-applications intellij-idea jetty maven-jetty-plugin
Programmatically Configure SSL for Jetty 9 embedded

I'm using jetty version 9.0.0.M4 and am trying to configure it to accept SSL connections. following the instructions in: http://…

ssl jetty
How to override jetty.xml with jetty.port

I'm using maven-jetty-plugin and trying to override my jetty.xml setting with the -Djetty.port=8090 but it's not working. Only …

java maven jetty embedded-jetty maven-jetty-plugin
C3p0 connection pooling for jpa in persistence.xml not working?

I'm still getting JDBC timeouts after trying to configure c3p0 following all of the examples I could find. I'm …

hibernate jpa jetty tomcat6 c3p0
How to embed Jetty and Jersey into my Java application

So I'm trying to embed jetty into my web application so that if I package it as a jar someone …

java maven jetty embedded-jetty