Top "Jetty-9" questions

Version 9 of Jetty, a widely used async java based http server and servlet engine supporting WebSockets, SPDY protocols, JSR356 (from 9.1), HTTP/2 (from 9.3).

Jetty-9 warning: badMessage: 400 Illegal character

I am using jetty-9.2.2 with CometD-3.0.1. I am seeing below warning in my setup. It comes ~4,5 times in a day.: 2014…

jetty jetty-9
Jetty IdleTimeout

I am migrating from jetty7.6 to jetty-9.2. I am seeing that default value of idletimeout for jetty connections is reduced 10 …

jetty jetty-9
ECDHE cipher suites not supported on OpenJDK 8 installed on EC2 Linux machine

When starting jetty-distribution-9.3.0.v20150612 with openjdk 1.8.0_51 running on an EC2 Amazon Linux machine, is prints that all configured ECDHE suites …

jetty java-8 openjdk jce jetty-9
Embedded Jetty with Maven example fails to restart: Address already in use

When trying to repeatedly run the Embedded Jetty with Maven example in NetBeans, I unfortunately get the error: cd /Users/…

java netbeans jetty embedded-jetty jetty-9
System environment variables in Jetty application

How to configure system environment variables inside one Jetty application? e.g. For database connection details, putting it in file …

java jetty environment-variables jetty-9
Configuring SSL with Jetty 9

I have spent the better part of the day on this and so far have been unable to get Jetty 9 …

java maven jetty jetty-9
Using Jetty's proxy in standalone Jetty application

I'm investigating using Jetty 9 as a proxy, using standalone Jetty, not embedded Jetty. I've looked for help in many places: …

proxy jetty maven-jetty-plugin jetty-9
Jetty startup delay due to scanning

Context and setup information: Jetty 9 with the eclipse jetty plugin Spring 4.1.1.RELEASE with Spring Security 3.2.3 Spring Java Configuration (no web.…

spring spring-security jetty maven-jetty-plugin jetty-9
Jetty9 - Jetty is not running from a separate {jetty.base}

I see the following warning while starting the jetty9 server as service. I have no idea about this. WARN:oejs.…

java jetty-9
What is correct URL to specify ResourceBase of JAR "resources/webapp" folder for embedded Jetty?

We want a simple embedded Jetty servelet with the web resources inside a JAR-file's resources folder. We have some properties …

java maven url jar jetty-9