Top "Jetty" questions

Eclipse Jetty is a widely-used async Java-based HTTP server and servlet engine supporting HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSocket protocols.

How to add servlet Filter with embedded jetty

I am embedding jetty into my app, and trying to work out how to add servlet filters (for cookie handling). …

java jetty servlet-filters embedded-jetty
How can I prevent spring-security from appending ;jsessionid=XXX to login redirects?

When an unauthenticated client requests a URL that requires a non-anonymous access level as defined in security-config.xml, spring security …

tomcat servlets spring-security jetty
Spring Boot project with static content generates 404 when running jar

The recent blog post ( by Spring regarding the use of static web content in Spring …

spring maven jetty spring-boot static-content
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" Problem

I have an issue with trying to pass the -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" command into my jvm args. I …

java jvm jetty
How to enable DEBUG level logging with Jetty embedded?

I'm trying to set the logging level to DEBUG in an embedded Jetty instance. The documentation at http://docs.codehaus.…

jetty slf4j
Configuring Jetty JSP support in embedded mode in Maven project

I can visit .html pages with Jetty, but when I visit a .jsp page I get: 0 13:21:13 / [INFO] No JSP support. …

jsp jetty embedded-jetty
How to configure Jetty in spring-boot (easily?)

By following the tutorial, I could bring up the spring-boot with Jetty running using the following dependencies. <dependency> &…

jetty spring-boot
Embedded jetty with Jersey or resteasy

I want make RESTful services using embedded jetty with JAX-RS (either resteasy or jersey). I am trying to create with …

jetty jersey resteasy
Form too Large Exception

When I send a large file using a post request the system shows an exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form too …

java jetty
How to run Jetty via Gradle in Debug Mode

Does anyone know how to configure the jetty gradle plugin to run in debug mode so that I can attach …

jetty gradle