Running Jetty 7 as Windows Service

tuler picture tuler · Jan 19, 2010 · Viewed 32.1k times · Source

Did Jetty 7 drop support to run as a service using Java Service Wrapper? What options do I have now?


crowne picture crowne · Jul 6, 2011

@glb, thanks for pointing out apache commons-daemon Procrun.
Its working great for me on Windows 7 64 Bit, here's how I set it up.

For more info see

  • procrun page as per link from @glb
  • jetty help screen > java -jar start.jar --help

REM 1. Open command prompt as Administrator

mkdir C:\java\apache-commons-daemon
REM 2. Download commons-daemon binaries for windows to directory above from
REM 3. unzip which will create C:\java\apache-commons-daemon\commons-daemon-1.0.5-bin-windows

mkdir C:\java\jetty
REM 4. Download jetty to directory above from
REM 5. install / unzip which will create C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526

REM 6. Verify that jetty can be started
cd C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526
java -jar start.jar
REM     Look for any obvious errors on the console
REM     Open a browser at http://localhost:8080/
REM     You should be presented with the Jetty Start Page,
REM      and be able to execute the Hello World Servlet
REM     OK, that's enough,
REM      come back to the command prompt and ctrl-C to stop the jetty server

REM 7. Copy and rename commons-daemon binaries into the JETTY_HOME directory structure
REM     Note that the GUI manager is copied to JETTY_HOME,
REM      and the service exe is copied to JETTY_HOME\bin
REM     Note that both binaries get the same target name,
REM      but are placed in different directories
REM     This is just makes it easier to launch the GUI manager
REM      by not having to provide command line arguments
REM     Note that I have selected the amd64\prunsrv.exe as the service exe,
REM      I am running on Windows 7 64 bit Intel i7 Xeon
cd C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526
copy \java\apache-commons-daemon\commons-daemon-1.0.5-bin-windows\prunmgr.exe .\JettyService.exe
copy \java\apache-commons-daemon\commons-daemon-1.0.5-bin-windows\amd64\prunsrv.exe .\bin\JettyService.exe

REM 8. Time to install the service
bin\JettyService //IS//JettyService --DisplayName="Jetty Service" --Install=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\bin\JettyService.exe --LogPath=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\logs --LogLevel=Debug --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=Java --StopMode=Java --Jvm=auto ++JvmOptions=-Djetty.home=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526 ++JvmOptions=-DSTOP.PORT=8087 ++JvmOptions=-DSTOP.KEY=downB0y ++JvmOptions=-Djetty.logs=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\logs ++JvmOptions=-Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.SOURCE=true ++JvmOptions=-XX:MaxPermSize=128M ++JvmOptions=-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled ++JvmOptions=-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled --Classpath=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\start.jar --StartClass=org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main ++StartParams=OPTIONS=All ++StartParams=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\etc\jetty.xml ++StartParams=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\etc\jetty-deploy.xml ++StartParams=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\etc\jetty-webapps.xml ++StartParams=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\etc\jetty-contexts.xml ++StartParams=C:\java\jetty\jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526\etc\jetty-testrealm.xml --StopClass=org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main ++StopParams=--stop

REM 9. Test that the service starts at the command prompt
bin\JettyService //TS

REM 10. To delete the service uncomment the line below
REM bin\JettyService //DS

REM 11. Now launch the GUI manager to check the parameter settings

REM You can use the GUI to start and stop the service, and to change the settings
REM If you want the GUI exe to have a different name to the service exe,
REM   then close the GUI and uncomment and run the line below
REM ren JettyService.exe JettyServiceMgr.exe
REM To launch the renamed GUI uncomment and run the line below
REM JettyServiceMgr.exe //ES//JettyService  
