Top "Jetty" questions

Eclipse Jetty is a widely-used async Java-based HTTP server and servlet engine supporting HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSocket protocols.

Programmatic Jetty shutdown

How to programmatically shutdown embedded jetty server? I start jetty server like this: Server server = new Server(8090); ... server.start(); server.…

java jetty embedded-jetty
spark java: how to handle multipart/form-data input?

I am using spark to develop a web application; the problem occurs when I want to upload a file: public …

java jetty spark-java
System environment variables in Jetty application

How to configure system environment variables inside one Jetty application? e.g. For database connection details, putting it in file …

java jetty environment-variables jetty-9
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.startAsync

Any idea why I'm getting this error at runtime ? I'm trying to deploy an AsyncServlet on Jetty. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: …

java jetty servlet-3.0
How do I stop jetty server in clojure?

I am writing a web application using ring and clojure. I am using the jetty adapter for the development server …

clojure jetty ring
Error scanning entry "module-info.class" when starting Jetty server

I'm seeing this recently when I start my java server. Has anyone else seen this? If so whats the fix? …

java eclipse jetty slf4j
Can't get Jetty to scan for annotated classes

I have an application with an embedded jetty server which I'm starting up like this (placed in main() and launched …

annotations jetty embedded-jetty
How to gracefully shutdown embeded jetty

I have an application runs on an embedded jetty server. Now i want to start/stop the server as a …

java jetty embedded-jetty
Embedded Jetty why to use join

An example taken from an Embedded Jetty tutorial suggests the following: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Server …

java multithreading jetty
Embedded vs Stand alone Tomcat ( HTTP ) server

I am working on a new project which would be a web application with a front end UI and a …

tomcat jetty embedded-jetty httpserver embedded-tomcat-7