Top "Jetty" questions

Eclipse Jetty is a widely-used async Java-based HTTP server and servlet engine supporting HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSocket protocols.

Jetty IOException: Too many open files

I'm running Jetty on a website doing around 100 requests/sec, with nginx in front. I just noticed in the logs, …

java jetty nio ioexception
How do I deploy a Servlet in Jetty?

I have created a simple Servlet that I want to deploy in Jetty 7.2. Jetty is running and is able to …

servlets jetty file-structure
Jetty shows http error message 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

I developed a maven module application that works fine using (google appengine; maven; springmvc). 3 weeks after when I decided to …

java google-app-engine maven jetty http-status-code-503
Slow transfers in Jetty with chunked transfer encoding at certain buffer size

I'm investigating a performance problem with Jetty 6.1.26. Jetty appears to use Transfer-Encoding: chunked, and depending on the buffer size used, …

java hadoop jetty
Embedded Jetty with Maven example fails to restart: Address already in use

When trying to repeatedly run the Embedded Jetty with Maven example in NetBeans, I unfortunately get the error: cd /Users/…

java netbeans jetty embedded-jetty jetty-9
Classpath issue between jetty-maven-plugin and tomcat-jdbc 8.0.9+ leading to ServiceConfigurationError

I'm working on an app using : jetty-maven-plugin:9.3.2.v20150730 tomcat-jdbc:8.0.8 (which has tomcat-juli as dependency) After trying to upgrade the tomcat-jdbc …

java maven jetty tomcat-jdbc tomcat-juli
Is Jetty ever used for production deployment?

Why would it be preferred over Tomcat? Is your experience with big or little companies? Internal or external (customer/public …

java web-applications servlets jetty
SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL cipher suite in in Jetty logs

I'm using Jetty with HTTPS and a valid certificate, and I'm not sure to get it right because cipher suite …

java ssl jetty ssl-certificate jsse
How do I serve https and http for Jetty from one port?

(I know it's a duplicate question but the original poster asked it for the wrong reason. I'm not implying that …

java http https jetty port
WARNING: The (sub)resource method contains empty path annotation

I have configured rest path like "/v1/" and the endpoint configured in servlet like '/test/'. Now I removed …

java rest jersey jetty jersey-2.0