Top "Jetty" questions

Eclipse Jetty is a widely-used async Java-based HTTP server and servlet engine supporting HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSocket protocols.

Deactivate Jetty's default 404 error handler

I want to provide a custom 404 error page in my Spring 3.1 web application, but I cannot deactivate Jetty 8's default 404 …

spring-mvc jetty web.xml jetty-8
Jetty home system property is not set

I'm trying to use the system property in my jetty config as the following: <SystemProperty name="jetty.home" default="" /&…

java jetty system-properties
What does a Servlet 3.0 compatible web-app declaration in web.xml do?

I am deploying a web application that is declared in web.xml and deployed as a .war file. I am …

java web-applications jetty servlet-3.0
Integrating Jetty with RESTEasy

Any links on how to integrate Jetty and RESTEasy? I am kinda stuck trying to configure RESTEasy with Jetty together....…

java jakarta-ee servlets jetty resteasy
Passwords in SSL with Jetty tutorial

In this tutorial , where are the following values coming from? password (OBF:1vny1zlo1x8e1vnw1vn61x8g1…

ssl jetty
What's the difference between a ServletHandler and a ServletContextHandler in Jetty?

I'm trying to get started with an embedded Jetty server. I just want to map requests to different servlets based …

java servlets jetty embedded-jetty
Jetty 8 set "session-timeout" without web.xml?

I'm trying to set the session-timeout value in an embedded Jetty 8 instance. With embedded Jetty, how can I programmatically set …

jetty session-timeout embedded-jetty
HTTP/2 Java 8, Jetty and ALPN

I went thru this page: to have an ALPN boot jar …

java-8 jetty netty http2 alpn
Create Hibernate-Session per Request

I just started a simple Java testproject which manages some entities using Hibernate and provides a REST interface to manipulate …

java hibernate jetty design-patterns resteasy
How do I tell Spring Boot to ignore Jetty and always use Tomcat?

I have the following setup: spring-boot application (using embedded tomcat) spring-date-neo4j (embedded mode) spring-websockets and neo4j-browser included using (…

java jetty spring-boot spring-data-neo4j embedded-tomcat-7