Top "Jax-ws" questions

JAX-WS is the JSR 224 defining a Java API for XML-Based Web Services

The given SOAPAction does not match an operation

I'm new to web service using jax-ws. I was starting to implement it based on some kind of tutorials over …

android jax-ws ksoap2
Simple Maven setup for creating JAX-WS webservice

I'd like to create Maven project which will build my webservice to war file, ready to be deployed on GlassFish. …

java web-services maven jax-ws maven-archetype
What is the difference between ?wsdl and ?singleWsdl parameters

My messaging provider gives me two different kinds of WSDLs to use. http://my.…

web-services wsdl cxf jax-ws axis2
WS Client with Proxy and Autentification

I know this isn't exactly the correct way to ask a question, but I'm having a problem: I have a …

java web-services jax-ws webservices-client jax-ws-customization
What's the difference between jaxws-ri and jaxws-rt?

See the JAX-WS Maven repository from - There are …

java web-services jax-ws
How to get SOAP fault's faultcode when handling custom fault exception

Our system consumes SOAP Web Service, using JAX-WS client stubs generated based on service's WSDL. In case of error server …

java soap jax-ws soapfault jbossws
What's wrong with my Apache CXF client?

This is part of my pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <…

java maven jax-ws cxf
Meaning of XMLElement@required=true

Does it mean the XML element is mandatory ? Or the XML element must have some non-null value ? I am really …

jax-ws cxf
Apache CXF + Spring Java config (no XML)

Trying to deploy a JAX-WS endpoint using Tomcat 7 Maven plugin and CXF 2.7.8. As a matter of preference, I don't want …

tomcat jax-ws cxf spring-java-config
SOAP web service callback architecture?

I am quite new to web services, JAX-WS etc. so maybe noob question... So, I want to implement a web …

java .net web-services callback jax-ws