JAX-WS is the JSR 224 defining a Java API for XML-Based Web Services
There's a fix in one of the more recent versions of JAXB (2.2.1). I'm trying to determine if that's included in …
jaxb jax-ws javaI am a client to a SOAP service I do not control (implemented in .NET). The service provides a WSDL. …
wsdl cxf jax-ws soap-client wsdl2javaDespite that I have defined the related dependencies as I have added below, getting the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.…
java maven tomcat jax-ws webservice-clientHas anyone successfully updated the JAX-WS version used by Weblogic 10.3.3? I've been trying to do what's described in the accepted …
jax-ws weblogic-10.x java-metro-frameworkI created an implementation of LoggingHandler that implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> It should log whenever handleMessage triggers (and it …
java web-services jax-wsI have a web service that I have JAX-WS generated client bindings as below: // web service client generated by JAX-WS @…
java web-services wsdl jax-wsI'm really new in Java Web Service. I can say that my knowledge level is only 10%. Can somebody please give …
web-services soap jax-ws webservice-client