Top "Javascript-events" questions


How do I pass the this context into an event handler?

I know this question doesn't make much sense, but let me try and clarify a bit. I have a class, …

javascript javascript-events
How to check the class name of the event target in ReactJS?

I now have a function handleRightClick(e) which will be called when I right click on the container. Inside the …

reactjs javascript-events classname react-dom
jQuery hide dropdown when clicked anywhere but menu

I'm trying to make it so that my dropdown menu shows when you click a button, and hides when you …

javascript jquery javascript-events menu
JavaScript/jQuery event listener on image load for all browsers

I am looking for a way to implement this for as many browsers as possible: var image = new Image(); image.…

javascript javascript-events load jquery
How to determine if Javascript object is an event?

What is the safest way to determine if a Javascript object is an event?

javascript javascript-events
Fullscreen API: Which events are fired?

I need to know which (DOM) events are fired when a user enter the fullscreen mode via the new Fullscreen …

javascript jquery javascript-events fullscreen
return false on addEventListener submit still submits the form?

var form = document.forms[0]; form.addEventListener("submit", function(){ var email = form.elements['answer_13829'].value; if( email == '[email protected]') { …

javascript javascript-events
What is the difference between, Event.toElement and Event.srcElement?

I have the following code: document.oncontextmenu = function(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; console.log(, evt.toElement, evt.…

javascript javascript-events
addEventListener firing multiple times for the same handle when passing in arguments with anonymous function

For some reason, the event listener is firing twice for each element when passing arguments into an anonymous function. I.…

javascript events javascript-events anonymous-function addeventlistener
jQuery event to detect when element position changes

I would like to know if there is a jQuery event that I can use to determine when a particular …

javascript jquery events javascript-events