Top "Javascript-events" questions


What does the third parameter (false) indicate in document.addEventListener("deviceready",OnDeviceReady,false);

What does the third parameter (false) indicate in document.addEventListener("deviceready",OnDeviceReady,false); Can any one show an example script …

javascript events javascript-events
Avoiding a javascript race condition

Here's the scenario: My users are presented a grid, basically, a stripped down version of a spreadsheet. There are textboxes …

javascript javascript-events race-condition
AngularJS - multiple ng-click - event bubbling

In the following example: <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="showItem(item)"> <h3>{{item.title}}</…

events javascript-events angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-ng-click
Catching any click performed using jQuery

the noob way to do it I guess would be $('*').click(function(){...}); But is there any way I …

javascript jquery dom javascript-events onclick
How to pause video on video.js without controls

I'm using video.js. Here's how I have implemented it. <video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" loop preload="…

javascript jquery javascript-events video.js
history.back(); doesn't trigger $(document).ready();

I have a webpage that use $(document).ready() to build the interface. Then the user can go to a child …

javascript jquery javascript-events browser-history
Jquery on hover not working

I'm changing my codes to be compatible with jQuery 1.8 and I'm stuck with this hover which doesn't work. When I …

javascript jquery html javascript-events hover
ajax InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable

Very strange issue...I am trying to pass multiple values to a method in post. It works fine as long …

javascript jquery ajax javascript-events html2canvas
Only fire an event once?

How do I control only firing an event once? Actually, a quick google appears to allude to the fact that .…

javascript jquery javascript-events
Is there a way to trigger mousemove and get event.pageX, event.pageY?

So, like the question specifies, is there a way to trigger a mousemove event in jQuery which also sends the …

javascript jquery javascript-events mouseevent