Top "Javascript-events" questions


Show mouse x and y position with javascript

First version does not show me x and y and get I get following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property …

javascript-events onmousemove
How do I disable tabs for <a> tag

I am using <a> tags for links on a web page. How do I disable the Tab key …

javascript html javascript-events
Call a Javascript Function after UpdatePanel Postback Issue

I basically have in my UpdatePanel a literal that generates a javascript array based on a method in my codebehind. … ajax javascript-events updatepanel
What does role=button mean?

I found that in Google+ Project's page that buttons are all made from divs like: <div role="button">&…

javascript html javascript-events google-plus
document.onclick vs window.onclick

Is there any difference between document.onclick and window.onclick event? Thanks.

javascript javascript-events
Binding to the scroll wheel when over a div

I'm creating an image editor in the browser and I've got the code for all of my controls done. Now …

javascript jquery javascript-events
dispatchEvent not working in IE11

I am using the following code to submit to a form: element.dispatchEvent(new Event("submit")); Inspector returns the error: …

javascript javascript-events internet-explorer-11 dispatchevent
How to detect new element creation in jQuery?

Lets say I have the following code that returns number of anchor elements on a page: function getLinkCount() { alert("Links:" + $("…

jquery javascript-events
What's the right way to enable the node debugger with mocha's --debug-brk switch?

I have some debugger statements in my module under test and want to run mocha with --debug-brk set and hit …

node.js javascript-events mocha
What's the difference between cancelBubble and stopPropagation?

Can anyone please tell me difference in usage of cancelBubble and stopPropagation methods used in javascript.

javascript javascript-events