Top "Javascript-events" questions


Pass mouse events through absolutely-positioned element

I'm attempting to capture mouse events on an element with another absolutely-positioned element on top of it. Right now, events …

javascript html events dom javascript-events
Destroy or remove a view in Backbone.js

I'm currently trying to implement a destroy/remove method for views but I can't get a generic solution to work …

javascript javascript-events backbone.js
get the value of "onclick" with jQuery?

Is it possible to get the current value of the onClick attribute of an A tag via jQuery? For example, …

javascript jquery javascript-events
How do I programmatically click on an element in JavaScript?

In IE, I can just call from JavaScript - how do I accomplish the same task in Firefox? …

javascript firefox dom javascript-events dhtml
Escaping double quotes in JavaScript onClick event handler

The simple code block below can be served up in a static HTML page but results in a JavaScript error. …

javascript html javascript-events escaping
How to pass parameter to function using in addEventListener?

In the traditional way to add event listener: function getComboA(sel) { var value = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; } <select …

javascript html javascript-events
javascript domready?

I know I can use different frameworks like prototype or jquery to attach a function to the window.onload, but's …

javascript javascript-events
onHide() type event in jQuery

Does anyone know of an onHide() event or something similar in jQuery? I tried: $(this).bind('hide', function(){ console.log(…

jquery events javascript-events
What is the difference between the mouseover and mouseenter events?

I have always used the mouseover event, but while reading the jQuery documentation I found mouseenter. They seem to function …

javascript jquery events javascript-events
Fire jQuery event on div change

I have a div whose content may change in various ways: for instance its whole content may be reloaded via …

javascript jquery javascript-events widget