Top "Javascript-events" questions


Javascript fires two events - onkeypress and onclick

Problem is when I press a key over a radio button, element MyFunc fires twice - once for "onkeypress" event, …

events javascript-events onclick onkeypress
Create a jQuery special event for content changed

I'm trying to create a jQuery special event that triggers when the content that is bound, changes. My method is …

javascript jquery events javascript-events intervals
remove key press delay in javascript

I have the following problem: I'm trying to write a javascript game, and the character is being controlled by the …

javascript events javascript-events
Microsoft Edge: onclick event stops working?

I have strange problems with my (ASP.NET) web application in Microsoft Edge. At a certain point the onclick event …

javascript javascript-events onclick mouseevent microsoft-edge
What does event.waitUntil do in service worker and why is it needed?

MDN suggests that you do the following to create and populate service worker cache: this.addEventListener('install', function(event) { event.…

javascript-events promise service-worker
how do I detect if window.location failed?

how do I check if a call to window.location failed because the given URL was invalid, etc? Is there …

javascript javascript-events window.location
can't fire keypress event when press delete key

I'm finding that the delete key doesn't fire the keypress event in Chrome, while other keys work. The problem doesn't …

javascript javascript-events keyevent
which is the best Javascript Keyboard event library.(Hotkeys,Shortcuts )

i want to make a bbs forum that using much Keyboard event , so which is the best Keyboard event library, …

javascript javascript-events
Javascript code to detect any page changes? (maybe via AJAX)

Ok so I'm new to writing javascript, and here's what I'm doing/trying to do. When a page loads (window.…

javascript dom javascript-events partial-page-refresh browser-extension
How to disable jquery validation on keyup and focusout for 1 specific html element when using the unobtrusive validation plugin?

By default, the jQuery validation plugin is attaching validation handlers for focusin, focusout and keyup events. 1 of our validations is …

javascript jquery javascript-events jquery-validate unobtrusive-validation