Top "Javascript-events" questions


Attaching to jQuery Datepicker Blur Event

I'm working on a jQuery plugin for use with textboxes and I would like it to work with jQueryUI widgets …

jquery jquery-ui javascript-events datepicker blur
Backbone: event lost in re-render

I have super-View who is in charge of rendering sub-Views. When I re-render the super-View all the events in the …

javascript-events backbone.js backbone-events
CSS3 zooming on mouse cursor

My goal is to create a plugin that enables zooming & panning operations on a page area, just like how …

css javascript-events zoom coordinate-transformation
JQuery - click button every 2 seconds

Basically I have a refresh button, when the user clicks the refresh button it calls a web service, gets the …

web-services javascript-events jquery partial-page-refresh
how to catch a state change event ONCE with history.js?

I have an example code below where if you click the links, then use back and forward, each state change …

javascript ajax javascript-events browser-history history.js
Catching the specific javascript code being executed onClick

I am working on a site that has loads of legacy javascript and jquery includes and there is no documentation …

javascript javascript-events firebug
How often does the AngularJS digest loop run?

When discussing the merits of AngularJS, two-way data binding is often touted as a major benefit of Angular over other …

javascript angularjs javascript-events event-handling
How can I add a onScroll event to iScroll4?

The onScroll event is not yet supported by the iScroll4. Is there a known way to extend the iScroll to …

javascript jquery javascript-events iscroll4
How to attach an event to onSubmit event of form with chaining earlier attached methods as well?

Actaully my application is having hundreds of pages. Now i have to attach an event 'disablePage' on onSubmit of form. …

javascript javascript-events chaining method-chaining