Top "Ireport" questions

iReport is a GUI designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server.

Null 'key' argument error

I'm using IReport 3.5.0 and my java GWT application uses the compiled .jasper file, to create a report. I'm creating the …

java charts jasper-reports ireport
evenly spreading data in to multiple columns

I need to create a jasper report that contains two columns of data of equal length. For example, I have …

jasper-reports ireport
How to set different colors to the bars in stacked bar chart in ireport?

I need to set a unique color to each bar in the stacked bar chart. Whatever the color I see …

jfreechart ireport stackedbarseries
Jasper Reports iReport connection to MS Access DB

Has anyone successfully connected to their MS Access db using Jasper Reports iReport? I am running windows XP and have …

ms-access jasper-reports ireport
Crosstab column group sorting

I am trying to sort the column group in crosstab but iReport is applying its own sorting by name ascending. …

sorting jasper-reports ireport crosstab
How to Pass JR Bean Data Source only to subreport and JREmptyData Source to master IReport

I a new to jasper report and i am not getting how to pass JRBeanCollectionDataSource only to subreport and JREmptyDataSource …

java jasper-reports ireport subreport
How to show each subreport in a separate Excel sheet

I would like to create a report with iReport for MS Excel. My report includes two subreports. I need each …

jasper-reports ireport export-to-excel
iReport: Uploading Image to JasperServer (fail)

I am currently using a JasperServer repository to hold reports. I would like to include an image of a logo …

jasper-reports ireport jasperserver
Displaying image in Ireports using PostgreSql

I am trying to load image from PostgreSQL database into jaspersoft ireports(4.0) but I am receiving an error. In PostgreSQL …

postgresql jasper-reports ireport
JasperReports counter variable always incrementing

This should be a simple question on JasperReports. I'm trying to do a simple counter over the whole report that …

variables jasper-reports report ireport counter