Top "Ireport" questions

iReport is a GUI designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server.

opening IReport getting error message - "Cannot find java exe."

My report works fine in my computer but When Opening an IReport File in Java on another computer, I keep …

java ireport portable-applications
iReport external font

I am trying to use external font in PDF document. I have no problem with using it in iReport after …

java jasper-reports ireport
How to debug jasper reports?

Currently i am working on my first reports using iReport for design. Under certain conditions jasper gets stuck in some …

debugging jasper-reports ireport
Jasper Reports Excel Output Problems

I am new to Jasper Reports and iReports that I am using to design the reports. I am currently designing …

excel jasper-reports ireport
Jasper iReport table returns an empty document although query works

I'm trying to create a report with Jasper iReport 4.5 and I'm using a table to show some of the data. …

jasper-reports ireport xmltable
taking "new java.util.Date()" and making it 1 month prior

I'm using jaspersoft's iReport and I want to turn the new java.util.Date() (which is the current date) into 1 …

java jasper-reports ireport
How to insert detail band between the existing bands in iReport?

Simple question. How to insert detail band between the existing bands in iReport? For example, I have current situation: Detail 1 …

java ireport
Change text field data color (Foreground color) based on condition in JasperReports

I'm new to JasperReports. I'm designing a report using iReport. I have three values x,y,z. If z < …

java jasper-reports ireport jdeveloper
The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference error in jasper reports

I have a Master report that has 4 subreports. The report gets generated successfully when I generate the report in iReport(…

jasper-reports ireport saxparseexception
What is the difference between iReport and Jaspersoft Studio?

Both are tools for visually designing reports and both come from the same vendor. Why is Jaspersoft pushing two similar …

jasper-reports ireport jaspersoft-studio