Top "Ireport" questions

iReport is a GUI designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server.

How do I compile jrxml to get jasper?

I have jrxml file, I want to compile this to get .jasper. How do I compile and get that jasper …

java jasper-reports ireport jaspersoft-studio
iReport not starting using JRE 8

I have downloaded and installed the iReport 4.5 using te Windows installer. But when I try to start the iReport it …

How to sum all values in a column in Jaspersoft iReport Designer?

I have below similar report in Jaspersoft iReport Designer, but not able to figure out how to sum all values …

jasper-reports ireport
How to pass main report data source to subreport (JasperReports)?

I'm using JasperReports and I fill the JRDataSource for ther report. Now, I want to pass the main REPORT_DATA_…

jasper-reports datasource report ireport subreport
Style a text field in JasperReports

I know how to apply inline style to Static Text in JasperReports. Can the same be done for Text Elements (…

styles jasper-reports ireport
How to insert a page break in JasperReport

I have a JasperReports template, with a filled detail band. If I run the report, I have a page count …

jasper-reports ireport page-break
iReport: Passing parameters from a main report query to a dataset query for a table or list

I understand how to pass parameters from a main report to a subreport, since there's a specific field for this …

parameters jasper-reports ireport
Date formatting part of text in Jasper / ireports

how do I format a date field (database field) displayed part of a text in Jasper / iReports (4.5.1) Displayed via a …

jasper-reports ireport
Use custom fonts when creating pdf using iReport

iReport Version : 3.7.1 I approached this problem in two ways. My first method I am creating a pdf page in iReport …

java pdf jasper-reports itext ireport
cvc-complex-type.3.2.2 attribute 'uuid' is not allowed to appear in element 'jasperreport'

Downloaded iReport-4.6.0 for Linux and when creating a new report via the File->New... menu, the new report is …

jasper-reports ireport