Top "Ireport" questions

iReport is a GUI designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server.

How to get the total row count?

I want to get total row count in iReport. The intention is to print a label based on the total …

jasper-reports ireport
jasperReport/iReport subreport shows blank (not displayed)

I am trying to create a sub report(report1_subreport3.jrxml) from the main report(report1.jrxml) using iReport designer (…

jasper-reports ireport
Jasper Reports - align dynamic text fields and their labels horizontally

I'm using Jasper report 5.2, iReport 5.2 and exporting the report in RTF and PDF formats. In my report I want to …

jasper-reports alignment textfield ireport
How do I print a list of strings contained within another list in iReport?

I am creating a simple reporting program using java and iReport (from jasper), which is supposed to create a report …

jasper-reports javabeans ireport
how to put bold for certain word in textfield?

I have for writing essay in the report. I just want to bold some text in my verse. I have …

jasper-reports ireport
How to add image as parameter from projects classpath in jasper reports

I designed a jasper report using ireport designer in which I added logo image in the title of the report. …

java jasper-reports ireport
How to create watermark in the background band in iReport

I am trying to create a watermark with a text in a report. For e.g. have a text like …

jasper-reports ireport
Multiple detail band in JasperReports

I want to show multiple detail section in my jasper report. How to add multiple detail bands in JasperReports? For …

jasper-reports ireport
Two SQL query inside single JasperReport

We are generating reports based on iReports and JasperReports for web application. Using iReports I found I am struck with …

jasper-reports reporting ireport
iReport Import Background Image

I would know how to import a background image on iReport designer 4.1.2. These are the step I take: choose View-&…

jasper-reports ireport