Top "Ios4" questions

The 2010-2011 version of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Apple TV operating system family, made by Apple.

[IOS SDK]- touchesBegan with specific object?

When I touch anywhere on screen touchesBegan event triggered. but I couldn't manage how if I touch specific object as …

xcode ios4 touchesbegan nsset touchesmoved
How To Make iPhone App compatible with multiple SDK (firmware) versions

With iOS4 coming out soon, I have already planned to include an iAd in a future update of an app …

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 compatibility ios4
Detecting call state in iOS4

I would like to know if there is a possibility to detect if the user is in call from an …

iphone ios4 core-telephony
Xcode with iPhone 4 Development: The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.

The complete error message is: The executable was signed with invalid entitlements. The executable was signed with invalid entitlements. The …

ios xcode ios4 provisioning-profile ios-provisioning
NSDateFormatter returning nil in OS 4.0

I had the following code working on on OS 3.x NSString *stringDate = @"2010-06-21T20:06:36+00:00"; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; […

iphone ios4 nsdateformatter
How can I ensure my iPhone app uses the Game Center sandbox?

I'm developing an iPhone game with Game Center integration. The game is being built as Debug (not release/distribution). On …

iphone ios4 ios game-center
How do you connect a tab bar item to an action?

I have a UIView which has a UITabBar with 4 UITabBarItem components in it (all created from IB). I want my …

cocoa-touch ios4 interface-builder uitabbar uitabbaritem
How to enable iPod controls in the background to control non-iPod music in iOS 4?

A good example of what I'm trying to accomplish is implemented in the latest version of the Spotify iPhone application …

iphone audio ios4 ipod mpmusicplayercontroller
[UITapGestureRecognizer tag]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I am having a series of imageview arranged, and assigning a TapView recognizer to it UITapGestureRecognizer *tapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:…

objective-c ios4 xcode4.5
track small movements of iphone with no GPS

I have to write an application for iphone that tracks the movement of the iphone itself, given its initial position, …

iphone ios4 gps accelerometer gyroscope