Top "Game-center" questions

The inner workings and use of Apple's GameCenter API in your apps.

Locking a UISearchBar to the top of a UITableView like Game Center

There's this cool feature in the UITableViews in Game Center and the search bars they have at their tops. Unlike …

ios uitableview uiscrollview uisearchbar game-center
Create a sandbox account on Game Center on iphone

I have been searching for a few days now an cannot find a thing. I have an ipod touch 4g …

iphone xcode game-center
iOS Game Center - authentication error on one device

On one of my devices (an iPad mini running iOS7), when I attempt to authenticate in Game Center I get …

ios authentication game-center nserror
"The App Name you entered has already been used" even though I just created the app

I am trying to create my app on iTunes Connect, so I can add my game center features. When I …

app-store app-store-connect game-center gamekit
Unable to sign in Sandbox gamecenter on iOS 7

Since iOS 7 I no longer get the prompt from game center to ask me to log in sandbox mode when …

ios7 game-center
Does an Android Game Center exist?

I am working on one Android application which needs the gaming center like an apple game center . Does Android provide …

android game-center
How can I ensure my iPhone app uses the Game Center sandbox?

I'm developing an iPhone game with Game Center integration. The game is being built as Debug (not release/distribution). On …

iphone ios4 ios game-center
Handling Game Center authentication

According to the Apple docs we should do something like this to handle GC authentication: - (void) authenticateLocalUser { GKLocalPlayer *localPlayer = […

ios authentication game-center gamekit
GameCenter authentication in landscape-only app throws UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation

Problem: If user is not logged into GameCenter account - GameCenter authentication view is launched in portrait mode (in ios 5 …

ios orientation ios6 landscape game-center
Game Center authentication doesn't work in iOS 8

I am trying to implement Game Center in my game. I've tried it on the iOS 8 GM. I'm not able …

ios iphone ios8 game-center