The inner workings and use of Apple's GameCenter API in your apps.
I'm developing a Game Center enabled game and I'm running into an issue in the sandbox environment. I can successfully …
ios game-centerThe problem is strange. My system version is IOS7. Everything goes fine on ios7 simulator. However, when I try authenticate …
ios objective-c ios7 game-centerIs there any one who knows how to integrate game center in Cocos2d. Please tell me steps so i …
cocos2d-iphone game-centerIn a game I am developing using GameCenter, I want to handle the following scenario: the user starts up the …
iphone gamekit game-centerIf the user dismisses the GameCenter login from your app 3 times, they're never prompted again. The authentication handler returns this: …
ios objective-c ios7 game-centerI am a bit confused now. I read through a lot articles that describe how to implement game center. All …
iphone game-centerQuestions pretty much in the title, authPlayerWithCompletionHandler is Deprecated, so how do I use authenticateHandler?
ios game-center gamekit ios6There are already a couple of questions on this but I followed their steps to solve it and it doesn't …
iphone xcode ios ios4 game-centeriOS7 introduced new GKLocalPlayer method generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler(). Does anyone know how to use it for good? I assume there will be …
ios authentication ios7 game-centerI need to retrieve authenticated player's submited score from Game Center. I use this code to get the score, but …
iphone ios game-center