The 2010-2011 version of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Apple TV operating system family, made by Apple.
When receiving a UILocalNotification The method application:DidReceiveLocalNotification is called when the app is in Foreground. When the app is …
iphone objective-c ios4 uikit uilocalnotificationI added the ADBannerView to a view and when I load the app I get the following message: ADBannerView: WARNING …
iphone ios4 iadI know this type of error has been raised many times before, but I have not found solution of my …
objective-c linker ios4 asihttprequest mach-oWhat is the different between, (CFDataRef) data & (__bridge CFDataRef) data Xcode asked me to change it to bridge. Is …
objective-c ios macos ios4 xcode4.3Still on the BigNerdRanch iOS Development book. In the Accelerometer chapter, they first implement accelerometer tracking but it's fairly jumpy. …
iphone ios ios4 accelerometer uiaccelerometerI have a UIViewController that is a UISearchBarDelegate and a MKMapViewDelegate. The searchBarSearchButtonClicked event works fine, but when testing in …
iphone objective-c ios4 uisearchbardelegateThe documentation is rather poorly written when talking about playing audio in the background. It gives the impression that all …
iphone cocoa-touch background avaudioplayer ios4I have a pretty big issue. I am trying to create a favorite-button on every UITableViewCell in a UITableView. That …
iphone uitableview ios4 row accessory