Top "Ios4" questions

The 2010-2011 version of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Apple TV operating system family, made by Apple.

PerformSelector After delay doesn't run in background mode - iPhone

I have a voip application which runs constantly on the background as well. While I'm in the background I'm calling …

iphone objective-c ios4 nstimer nsrunloop
change position of cancel button in UIAlertView?

I noticed that when I delete an app from my iPhone home screen, the alert view that appears shows a …

iphone ios ios4 uialertview hig
Upgrade iPhone 3GS from iOS 4.2.1 to 4.3.x

Hi folks I have a iPhone 3GS at 4.2.1 and want to upgrade it to 4.3.x for testing. I have read …

iphone ios upgrade ios4 iphone-3gs
create video from array of UIImages and save the video to iPhone library. AVAssetLibrary +AVFoundation

Problem in saving video to iPhone Library. i have an array of UIImages,and two buttons ,"convertToVideo"&"saveToiPhoneLib" -(…

ios4 uiimage export avfoundation avassetwriter
DETECT the Edge of a Document in iPhoneSDK

I am looking something like attached image, How can I implement this in iPhoneSDK. Can anybody suggest me some open …

iphone ios4 image-processing edge-detection object-detection
UILocalNotification custom sound

I have been searching for a solution for hours.. with absolutely zero luck. I set up a Local Notification: UILocalNotification *…

iphone ios4 nsbundle audio uilocalnotification
iOS SDK broken ever after reinstall UIKit and Foundation frameworks not found

For the pch file I get these errors: /Users/matt/Programming/iPhone Monkey Curling lite/iPhone_Monkey_Curling_Prefix.pch:6:34: …

iphone objective-c ios ios4 iad
Back Navigation Button Not Showing up in Pushed View Controller

I have a problem where I can successfully push a new view controller from my root view controller (using the …

iphone uinavigationcontroller ios4 uinavigationitem
MFMessageComposeViewController alloc returns nil

In my application, MFMailComposeViewController works fine but creating a new instance of MFMessageComposeViewController fails. Here is the code for both: …

iphone objective-c ios4 mfmailcomposeviewcontroller