InnoDB is an ACID-compliant transactional storage engine for MySQL that uses MultiVersion Concurrency Control (MVCC).
Scenario: I have a table which references two foreign keys, and for each unique combination of these foreign keys, has …
mysql innodb auto-increment composite-keyI created a small/basic python script to insert data into a MySQL database. I included some error handling - …
python error-handling innodb mysql-pythonFor the past 4 days I have had massive problems with my nightly updates, except for 1 night were it all went …
mysql sql innodb alter-table full-text-indexingI used mysqldump to export my database and then I imported it into MySQL on my other server. I can …
mysql innodb mysqldump mysql-error-1146 my.cnfI'm completely lost as to how or why this error is displaying when I go to browse the table data. …
php mysql phpmyadmin innodb myisamA co-worker just made me aware of a very strange MySQL behavior. Assuming you have a table with an auto_…
mysql innodb auto-incrementI dumped a working production database from a django app and am trying to migrate it to my local development …
mysql django innodb django-mailerWhen using MyISAM the configuration setting key_buffer_size defines the size of the global buffer where MySQL caches frequently …
mysql performance innodb myisamI've got about 20,000 rows in an INNODB table called 'cards', so FULLTEXT is not an option. Please consider this table: …
mysql search sql-order-by innodb relevance