Search Relevance is the practice of manipulating a search application's behavior to improve the quality of the search results based on the needs of the application's users
I have implemented ZendSearch into my Laravel application. I am using it as my search engine where users will type …
php laravel eloquent zend-search-lucene relevanceSuppose I have two columns, keywords and content. I have a fulltext index across both. I want a row with …
mysql search indexing full-text-search relevanceI've got about 20,000 rows in an INNODB table called 'cards', so FULLTEXT is not an option. Please consider this table: …
mysql search sql-order-by innodb relevanceI am trying to get my Full text search to order by relevance. here is my code it works if …
php mysql sql-order-by relevanceI am basically creating a search engine and I want to implement tf*idf to rank my xml documents based …
java relevance tf-idfI've created a pretty advanced search for a Wordpress site I'm working on atm. Allowing visitors to filter results by …
wordpress search relevanceI need to provide a weighted sort on 2+ factors, ordered by "relevancy". However, the factors aren't completely isolated, in that …
algorithm sorting bayesian relevance weighted-averageI have the following code: $collection = Mage::getSingleton('catalogsearch/layer')->getProductCollection(); I've tried $collection = Mage::getSingleton('catalogsearch/layer')…
search magento relevanceI want to have search results from SOLR ordered like this: All the documents that have the same score will …
solr relevance