Top "Innodb" questions

InnoDB is an ACID-compliant transactional storage engine for MySQL that uses MultiVersion Concurrency Control (MVCC).

Mysql changing table engine MyISAM to InnoDB

On my site I have a visitor's table with 10 million rows. Every request to the site inserts row to the …

mysql innodb myisam
How to handle MySQL deadlock situations on an application level?

When a deadlock situation occurs in MySQL/InnoDB, it returns this familiar error: 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; …

php mysql database innodb deadlock
Renaming an InnoDB table without updating foreign key references to it?

I am trying to replace an InnoDB table with a new table, and I want all foreign key references that …

mysql innodb
What is maximum records quantity a MySQL table can store?

How many records can a MySQL MyISAM table store? How many InnoDB can?

mysql innodb myisam
How to apply ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC to an existing table

I have a table with a large number of longtext fields (18) along with a number of other various integer and …

mysql innodb longtext
Load a MySQL innodb database into memory

I have a MySQL innodb database at 1.9GB, showed by following command. SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name" , sum( data_…

mysql memory caching innodb ram
Row Level Locking in Mysql

I have 5 rows in a table (1 to 5). I want row 2 lock for some update and in the meanwhile if someone …

mysql innodb rowlocking
Slow INSERT into InnoDB table with random PRIMARY KEY column's value

For my website I use the PHP API for Flickr ( ). This API provides several …

mysql primary-key innodb flickr
MySQL InnoDB auto_increment value increases by 2 instead of 1. Virus?

There's an InnoDB table for storing comments for blog posts used by a custom built web application. Recently I noticed …

mysql innodb auto-increment virus
mysql: unknown variable in `my.cnf`

I follow these instructions to speed up loading a big local file (500+M, 10+M rows) into MySQL, adding configurations to /…

mysql innodb my.cnf