#1033 - Incorrect information in file: './database_name/table_name.frm'

warr0032 picture warr0032 · Mar 18, 2012 · Viewed 22.2k times · Source

I'm completely lost as to how or why this error is displaying when I go to browse the table data.

The one thing I did notice was that the Storage Engine has been switched to MyISAM with InnoDB saying it has been disabled.

I'm waiting to hear back from the hosting company but is there something I can explore until I hear back from them?

The sql should have been backed up on the server but when I download it, the file is empty.

Any tips on accessing this data is very much appreciated.


duskwuff -inactive- picture duskwuff -inactive- · Mar 18, 2012

Sounds like your host may have disabled InnoDB, which will make any existing InnoDB tables unusable. They may also have accidentally destroyed the InnoDB data file.

Either way, there's nothing you can do yourself to recover it.