Top "Indentation" questions

Indenting is used to organize code by indicating blocks, closures, conditionals, and other constructs.

Visual Studio 2005 : Is there an easy way to indent correctly in an ASPX file?

In Visual Studio 2005, is there a way to indent correctly the tags in the aspx file (not in .cs files … visual-studio visual-studio-2005 indentation auto-indent
Javascript indentation in VIM

I'm trying to get VIM to indent Javascript with the '=' and related commands. When I try to auto …

javascript vim indentation auto-indent
How to set Emacs tabs to spaces in every new file?

I would like to have an .emacs setting so that tabs are always formed by consecutive spaces. Preferably in each …

emacs coding-style indentation convention
Eclipse html: Doesn't indent on some tags

For some reason, Eclipse seems to think that e.g. <div> and <td> tags aren't indenting-worthy. …

html eclipse editor indentation html-editor
Disable auto indent globally in Emacs

How to disable auto indent in Emacs globally or only for some modes? I have a number of packages installed …

emacs indentation auto-indent
Shortcut key to indent a block of text with IdeaVim and Phpstorm

Without IdeaVim in PhpStorm, the tab key can be used to indent a selected block of text. However, I'm interested …

phpstorm indentation ideavim
How to auto indent a C++ class with 4 spaces using clang-format?

I got the next .clang-format file in my project's root directory: --- AlignTrailingComments: true AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true …

c++ indentation auto-indent clang-format
Converting spaces to tabs in multiple files Sublime Text 2

Is there any way to convert all spaces to tabs, not file by file? If I open a file and …

tabs sublimetext2 indentation sublimetext spaces
Bootstrap indenting within dd tags not working as expected

I am designing (wish I was a designer) a webpage for a charity - the constitution which is basically a …

html css twitter-bootstrap indentation dd
Can VIM autoindent SQL?

"SQL Statement indentation good practice" appears to be the accepted format for writing SQL blocks. Is there a Vim indent/…

sql vim indentation auto-indent