Top "Indentation" questions

Indenting is used to organize code by indicating blocks, closures, conditionals, and other constructs.

How to handle widespread code format changes in a git repository

We have a project with around 500,000 lines of code, managed with git, much of it several years old. We're about …

git refactoring indentation pretty-print
Custom Brace formatting with Resharper

I'm using Resharper 4.5 and I need custom formatting of braces when writing an array or object initializer. Resharper supports some …

c# resharper indentation auto-indent
How to convert indentation from 2 spaces to 4 spaces

Possible Duplicate: HOWTO: Fix Python Indentation I have Python library where only 2 spaces indentation was used. I need automated way …

python automation edit indentation
Change indentation level in Google Colab

I am using Google Colaboratory to write Python code in their notebook. Whenever I hit an enter after a for …

python python-3.x indentation google-colaboratory pep8
aligning or prettifying code in emacs

I remember this was possible in emacs, but don't know how. If I have something like: 'abc' => 1, 'abcabc' =>2, …

emacs alignment indentation prettify
ANTLR What is simpliest way to realize python like indent-depending grammar?

I am trying realize python like indent-depending grammar. Source example: ABC QWE CDE EFG EFG CDE ABC QWE ZXC As …

antlr lexer indentation
Common coding style for Python?

I'm pretty new to Python, and I want to develop my first serious open source project. I want to ask …

python coding-style naming-conventions indentation column-width
How to avoid namespace content indentation in vim?

How to set vim to not indent namespace content in C++? namespace < identifier > { < statement_list > // Unwanted …

c++ vim indentation auto-indent
Is it safe to indent with 2 spaces?

I know the general answer to "How should I indent my code" is generally "do as you wish but do …

compatibility indentation code-organization