Top "Convention" questions

A generic tag covering any accepted method of doing things, which could include naming, spacing, coding, commenting, etc.

How long should SQL email fields be?

I recognize that an email address can basically be indefinitely long so any size I impose on my varchar email …

sql varchar convention
PSR-2 standard for long if-conditions

I did not find any standard for this case: if ($a == $b && $b == $c && $c == $d &…

php convention
What does it mean when a variable equals a function?

Possible Duplicate: JavaScript: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {} In JavaScript, what's the purpose of defining a variable as a …

javascript function coding-style convention
Finding a list of all double-underscore variables?

Related: What is the common header format of Python files? Where can I find a list of all double-underscore variables/…

python metadata convention
Jinja variables within the Flask url_for function

I have tried multiple different things, but cannot get the URL to appear as /item like I want it to. …

variables flask convention jinja2 url-for
rails boolean fields: `is_foo` or just `foo`?

Possible Duplicate: Naming Boolean columns in Rails What is the rails convention regarding names of boolean fields? For example, if …

ruby-on-rails convention
Where does the TODO convention come from?

I suspect this question has been asked before, but it's not easy to Google for. I am a fairly new …

coding-style convention todo
Python - most convenient way to define constant variables used just once

Let's say I have a file "icon.ico" and an url "". The'll be used just once within the …

python coding-style pyqt convention pep
How to set Emacs tabs to spaces in every new file?

I would like to have an .emacs setting so that tabs are always formed by consecutive spaces. Preferably in each …

emacs coding-style indentation convention
how lisp implemented in assembly language?

many (may be all?) programming language consist of assembly language how lisp implemented in assembly language? is there any good …

assembly lisp implementation convention