Top "Include-path" questions

An include path is a set of directories that contain headers or library files that should be accessed with no prefixed directory.

Get calling file name from include()

I want to get the name of the file that includes another file from inside the included file. I know …

php include include-path magic-constants
How to fix "fatal error: opencv2/core.hpp: No such file or directory" for opencv4 installed in manjaro

Essentially, I've been able to install openCV fine for python but I also want to be able to do it …

c++ header-files include-path manjaro opencv4
clang says "cstdlib file not found"

On an almost default install of Ubuntu 11.04 I installed clang. I am trying to compile this: #include <cstdlib> …

gcc g++ clang include-path
clang -cc1 and system includes

I have the following file foo.cpp: #include <vector> struct MyClass { std::vector<int> v; }; It …

c++ clang include-path abstract-syntax-tree
Compile and link 3rd party library in Visual Studio

I am fairly new to C programming and I haven't used Visual Studio or a third party library before. I'm …

c++ c visual-studio include-path fmod
php relative and absolute paths

I have read that when including a php file that using absolute paths has a faster processing time than relative …

php include-path
Eclipse can't find header filers even though include paths have been set

When creating a new C project in a particular Eclipse environment which uses GCC, I run into a peculiar linker …

c++ c eclipse gcc include-path
erreur : C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wdm.h': No such file or directory

I am trying to build this code with qtcreator, my point is to create a new device using RtlInitUnicodeString and …

c++ winapi qt-creator include-path kmdf
How to set include path of file when running script from cmd

I m trying to run php file from the command fine. here files are not included. Whrn I run php …

php cmd include-path
get parent folder paths with php

I am working on my first MVC framework, and want to define 4 constants for BASE_PATH, APP_PATH, LIB_PATH &…

php model-view-controller oop include-path