Top "Include-path" questions

An include path is a set of directories that contain headers or library files that should be accessed with no prefixed directory.

include path and the __autoload function in php

I am trying to convert several php scripts to use the __autoload function. Right now I can use the include …

php autoload include-path
Trouble setting up php Zend include path

I am trying to set up a PHP path to my Zend Framework. I am very confused on how to …

php zend-framework include-path
visual studio 2010 include directory paths

I have a visual studio solution myvs.sln with the following path: c:\dir1\dir2\dir3\myvs\myvs\myvs.sln. …

c++ visual-studio-2010 include include-path
How might one specify or add a directory to the Python.h search path during a module build/install using

I'm running Linux, and have downloaded a python module I must install without access to any but my particular /home/…

python build installation include-path
What is the right path for PHP includes on a Mac?

Running Mac OS X 10.5.8, with PHP 5.2.11 Pre-installed. Using Coda 1.6.10. I'm writing PHP files, and then preview them running from file, …

php macos include server-side-includes include-path
Where is stdlib.h / stdint.h in Visual Studio 2010?

I was googling a bit and heard that although stdint.h was not shipped with old versions of Visual Studio, …

visual-studio visual-studio-2010 std include-path stdint
c_include_path vs ld_library_path

On either Ubunutu 12.04 or Springdale 6.4, using gcc and g++, what's the difference between C_INCLUDE_PATH (or CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH) …

c++ c gcc include-path
Implicit declaration of functions regardless of header include and ifndef

I have the well-known errors : implicit declaration of function 'STLINKReadSytemCalls' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] implicit declaration of function 'printf' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] incompatible implicit declaration …

c eclipse include-path implicit-declaration
Header files are not found by GCC

Working with embedded C-projects. There are libraries, include files and so on - for micro controllers. No need for me …

linux gcc include-path c-standard-library
Proper way to set PHP include path for *Nix and Windows

Is this the proper way to define an include path for both *nix and Windows? define( 'INCPATH', realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . …

php windows linux unix include-path