Top "Include-path" questions

An include path is a set of directories that contain headers or library files that should be accessed with no prefixed directory.

php.ini include_path

I've searched all over the place and can't seem to find an answer for this. I'm trying to set an …

php include-path
python pip specify a library directory and an include directory

I am using pip and trying to install a python module called pyodbc which has some dependencies on non-python libraries …

python shared-libraries pip include-path pyodbc
PHP include absolute path

I have a variable on my site called $basePath which is set as: $basePath = '/Systems/dgw/'; I am …

php include relative-path include-path absolute-path
How does include path resolution work in require_once?

I was writing an web app in PHP, when I encountered a strange situation. To illustrate my problem, consider a …

php include include-path require-once
Eclipse C++ including header file from my source folder

I'm pretty new to C++ and Eclipse in general so I apologise if I'm missing something fairly obvious. The problem …

c++ eclipse header include include-path
Need to change include path for clang

When building with clang, it seems to be using gcc4.4.4 version of include files, while I want it to use …

c++ gcc clang include-path
C++ include with full path

I find #include "../app/thing.h" very ugly and I would like to be able to import from the main …

c++ include include-path
How to include file outside document root?

What I want do to is to include 'file1.php' from 'domain1' into 'file2.php' on 'domain2'. So …

php include include-path
how to set include paths with autotools

I'm working on a C++ project that uses autoconf & automake, and I'm struggling to correctly set up the include …

autotools autoconf automake include-path
Visual Studio Code: C++ include path

I'm currently using which is great as a nice little tool for …

c++ visual-studio-code include-path