Top "Hibernate-criteria" questions

The Criteria interface of Hibernate ORM , represents a query against a particular persistent class.

JPA and Hibernate - Criteria vs. JPQL or HQL

What are the pros and cons of using Criteria or HQL? The Criteria API is a nice object-oriented way to …

java hibernate hql criteria hibernate-criteria
Hibernate Criteria Restrictions AND / OR combination

How would I achieve this using Hibernate Restrictions? (((A='X') and (B in('X',Y))) or ((A='Y') and (B=…

hibernate criteria hibernate-criteria restrictions
org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: filename

I am using Hibernate Criteria to get values from column filename in my table contaque_recording_log. But when I'm …

java hibernate oracle-sqldeveloper hibernate-criteria hibernateexception
Hibernate Criteria Query to get specific columns

I am using Criteria Query in my code. It always fires select * from ... Instead I want to neglect one column(…

java mysql hibernate hibernate-criteria
Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

I would like to implement the following SQL query with Hibernate Criteria: SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) FROM …

java sql hibernate hibernate-criteria
When to use Hibernate projections?

I am a little confused about Hibernate's projections and criteria. When to use projections and when to use criteria?

hibernate hibernate-criteria nhibernate-projections
JPA2: Case-insensitive like matching anywhere

I have been using Hibernate Restrictions in JPA 1.0 ( Hibernate driver ). There is defined Restrictions.ilike("column","keyword", MatchMode.ANYWHERE) which …

java criteria eclipselink jpa-2.0 hibernate-criteria
How do you select a column using Hibernate?

I would like to select a single column instead of a whole object, using Hibernate. So far I have this: …

java mysql hibernate hibernate-criteria
Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY vs Projections.distinct

I am pretty new to Hibernate. I found out that we can get distinct result using following two different ways. …

hibernate nhibernate distinct hibernate-criteria
Hibernate Criteria vs HQL: which is faster?

I have been reading some anwers, but i'm still confused. ¿Why? because the differences that you have mentioned do not …

performance hibernate hql hibernate-criteria