Hibernate Criteria Query to get specific columns

Ketan picture Ketan · Jul 24, 2012 · Viewed 113.4k times · Source

I am using Criteria Query in my code. It always fires select * from ...

Instead I want to neglect one column(field) from my query as that field have large number of data stored in bytes. And that causing performance issue.

Can any one give an idea for that?

Some Update

I added a projection in my query and it created a query like...

    this_.TEMPLATE_ID as y0_,
    this_.TEMPLATE_NAME as y1_,
    this_.CREATE_DATE as y2_,
    this_.UPDATE_DATE as y3_,
    this_.STATUS_CODE as y4_,
    this_.USER_ID as y5_,
    this_.UPDATED_BY as y6_,
    this_.CATEGORY_ID as y7_,
    this_.PRACTICE_ID as y8_ 
    templates this_ 
inner join
    user user1_ 
        on this_.USER_ID=user1_.USER_ID 
inner join
    template_categories category2_ 
        on this_.CATEGORY_ID=category2_.CATEGORY_ID 
    and y8_=? 
    and y5_ in (
        ?, ?
order by
    y1_ asc limit ?

And now issue is like.. Unknown column 'y4_' in 'where clause' and same error for y8_ , y5_ means for all where close it gave an error.

I modified it to Query like ...

    this_.TEMPLATE_ID as y0_,
    this_.TEMPLATE_NAME as y1_,
    this_.CREATE_DATE as y2_,
    this_.UPDATE_DATE as y3_,
    this_.STATUS_CODE as y4_,
    this_.USER_ID as y5_,
    this_.UPDATED_BY as y6_,
    this_.CATEGORY_ID as y7_,
    this_.PRACTICE_ID as y8_ 
    templates this_ 
inner join
    user user1_ 
        on this_.USER_ID=user1_.USER_ID 
inner join
    template_categories category2_ 
        on this_.CATEGORY_ID=category2_.CATEGORY_ID 
    and this_.PRACTICE_ID=1 
    and this_.USER_ID in (
        1, 2
order by
    y1_ asc limit ?

and it worked. But I don't know how to modify it in HQL?


Hemant Metalia picture Hemant Metalia · Jul 24, 2012

Use Projections to specify which columns you would like to return.


SQL Query

SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user;

Hibernate Alternative

Criteria cr = session.createCriteria(User.class)
      .add(Projections.property("id"), "id")
      .add(Projections.property("Name"), "Name"))

  List<User> list = cr.list();