Top "Hibernate-criteria" questions

The Criteria interface of Hibernate ORM , represents a query against a particular persistent class.

how to do a JOIN FETCH in jpa criteria

I am trying to translate the query below to criteria api. SELECT er from ereturn er JOIN FETCH product_item …

hibernate jpa join hibernate-criteria
Hibernate Criteria and Count Column

I am trying to return an entity with a column that has the count of another table that is a …

hibernate count subquery hibernate-criteria
How to add a list of Predicates to CriteriaBuilder.or

I have a List to append in an or condition The Issue I am facing is when I am iterating …

java jpa spring-data-jpa hibernate-criteria predicate
Hibernate criteria query for Collection Table?

I have following Entity @Entity @Table(name = "rule") public class Rule implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "…

hibernate hibernate-criteria
Hibernate Criteria Projection

Well as the question title says, I am trying to make a projection criteria querying only couple of the table …

java hibernate criteria hibernate-criteria restrictions
Defining OR Condition with grails criteria api

I have the following domain objects: class User { String name Transaction transaction static constraints = { transaction nullable: true } } class Transaction { boolean …

grails gorm hibernate-criteria
Null list returned from hibernate query with embedded id

I have an entity with an embedded key. The entity has only the key as a field and the key …

hibernate hibernate-criteria
Does Hibernate Criteria Api completely protect from SQL Injection

I am working with Hibernate to protect my website from SQL Injection. I heard that Hibernate Criteria API is more …

java hibernate sql-injection criteria-api hibernate-criteria
Hibernate criteria for OneToMany/ManyToOne relationship

I have a OneToMany/ManyToOne relationship between two objects like: public class Company { private Long compid; private String companyName; @OneToMany(…

java many-to-one hibernate-criteria hibernate-onetomany
select "all columns" with "group by" in hibernate criteria queries

I want to write a criteria query using "group by" and want to return all the columns. Plane sql is …

java mysql hibernate group-by hibernate-criteria