The Criteria interface of Hibernate ORM , represents a query against a particular persistent class.
I have this Grails 2.0.3 project wherein there are two models DomainA and DomainB and both are related to each other …
hibernate grails grails-domain-class hibernate-criteriaI have an entity called Bucket, and I'm trying to build a criteria query to determine whether there is a …
java hibernate hibernate-criteria criteriaqueryI am retrieving a list of objects in hibernate using Criteria API. However I need lock on those objects as …
hibernate hibernate-criteriaI have an entity "UserDetails" which has the following variables: String userId String userName UserContact userContact (where UserContact is an …
java hibernate orm hibernate-criteriais it possible to create a 'select in'-query with the hibernate critiria api ? Example : I have two tables in a 1:…
hibernate subquery hibernate-criteriaI have a Bean like this Class TestA { Map<String,TestB> testBMap; } Class TestB { String data; ... } I want …
hibernate criteria-api hibernate-criteria