Top "Hbase" questions

HBase is the Hadoop database (columnar).

Scan table with multiple rowkey filter in hbase

I have tried with single row-key ,its working fine but i am unable to fetch multiple row-key scan. scan 'LPV',{…

hbase row-key
How do I change data type of column in Apache Phoenix without losing HBase data?

I have an HBase installation with a bunch of existing tables, with a bunch of data in them (which I …

hbase phoenix
HBase Error - assignment of -ROOT- failure

I've just installed hadoop and hbase from cloudera (3) but when I try to go to http://localhost:60010 it just sits …

database nosql hadoop hbase cloudera
What is meant by "HDFS lacks random read and write access"?

Any file system should provide an API to access its files and directories, etc. So, what is meant by "HDFS …

hadoop hbase hdfs
HBase cassandra couchdb mongodb..any fundamental difference?

I just wanted to know if there is a fundamental difference between hbase, cassandra, couchdb and monogodb ? In other words, …

mongodb cassandra hbase couchdb nosql
Does timestamp by default appear in an HBase table?

When we create any HBase table, does timestamp appear in that table when we scan it? For example: create 'test', …

java nosql hbase timestamping
storing images in HBASE for processing and quick access

I have a large number of image files that I need to store and process on HDFS Let's assume 2 scenarios: …

image hadoop mapreduce hbase random-access
Can OLAP CUBE be done in HBase?

Is there any way to create CUBE DIMENSIONS in HBase or OLAP with it? I want to create CUBE DIMENSIONS …

hadoop hbase ssas hive olap-cube
How can I reload oozie job configuration file without restart oozie job

I'd like to know if there is a way to reload the configuration file of the oozie job without restart …

apache hadoop hbase hive oozie
How to Install Sqoop in Windows system and what are all necessary things it requires?

I tried to install sqoop for that I was referring to some installation guide that says HBase and mapr to …

hadoop hbase sqoop mapr