Top "Hbase" questions

HBase is the Hadoop database (columnar).

storing massive ordered time series data in bigtable derivatives

I am trying to figure out exactly what these new fangled data stores such as bigtable, hbase and cassandra really …

cassandra finance hbase bigtable time-series
Multiple databases or namespace in Hbase

Is there a way to setup Hbase so we can create multiples databases inside the same cluster ?

How to run HBase shell against a remote cluster

I'm running HBase in pseudo-distributed mode on my workstation. We also have HBase running on a cluster. Using the HBase …

configuration hadoop hbase apache-zookeeper cloudera
HBase Scan Performance

I am performing a range scan that is giving me 500k records. If I set scan.setCaching(100000) it took less …

caching hadoop hbase database-scan
Java ORM for Hbase

Anyone knows a good Java ORM implementation for HBase. This one looks really nice for Ruby…

java orm hbase
Using Scan in HBase with start row, end row and a filter

I need to use a Scan in HBase for scanning all rows that meet certain criteria: that's the reason why …

java hbase database-scan
Retrieving timestamp from hbase row

Using Hbase API (Get/Put) or HBQL API, is it possible to retrieve timestamp of a particular column?

java hbase flume
zookeeper unable to open socket to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2181

I am using zookeeper ensemble for hbase. Zookeeper is running on 3 machines. While HBase is also in fully distributed mode. …

apache hbase nutch apache-zookeeper
GUI Tool for HBase Management

Are there any good GUI tools available for HBase? Like MySQL has workbench and Yog.

zookeeper server not running

I'm trying to start an hbase master from ambari. It can't start it because it can't connect to zookeper server. …

hbase apache-zookeeper ambari