Top "Hbase" questions

HBase is the Hadoop database (columnar).

Difference between MapR-DB and Hbase

I am bit new in MapR but i am aware about hbase. I was going through one of the video …

hadoop hbase mapr
Connecting to apache phoenix using JDBC and Java

I have a small java program in which I try to establish a connection to a remote Phoenix server I …

java jdbc hbase phoenix
How to delete all the data and metadata in HBase WITHOUT uninstalling and reinstalling?

Running HBase in pseudo-distributed mode on my dev box. Cloudera CDH4. CentOS. Somehow, my HBase installation has gotten totally corrupted. …

hadoop hbase hdfs recovery repair
Writing to hbase table from python (happybase)

I am running a map-reduce job and now I want to enter values into hbase. I stream values from the …

python hadoop hbase thrift happybase
What is needed to generate kerberos keytab file on windows?

I was looking for answer to above question on different web sites but in the every case there was how …

windows hbase kerberos keytab ktpass
HBase Kerberos connection renewal strategy

Recently I enabled kerberos in my cluster, everything works great until my kerberos login expires, at say, 12 hours. At that …

hbase kerberos
How to filter out rows with given column(not null)?

I want to do a hbase scan with filters. For example, my table has column family A,B,C, and …

filter null hbase out
The type HTable(config,tablename) is deprecated. What use instead?

What can I use instead of HTable(config,tablename)? This method is deprecated. In every example I could find they …

java hadoop hbase deprecated
Hbase shell - how to write byte value

I want to write a value say 65 in hbase. I have to run the following command on hbase shell for …

Accessing HBase running in VM with a client on host system

I try to write some data to hbase with a client program HBase @ Hadoop runs in a preconfigured VM from …

hadoop hbase virtualbox cloudera