Top "Hbase" questions

HBase is the Hadoop database (columnar).

HBase cluster with corrupt region file on HDFS

We have this HBase cluster: 30+ nodes, 48 tables, 40+TB on HDFS level, replication factor 2. Due to disk failure on two nodes, …

hadoop hbase hdfs corruption fsck
Error HBASE-ZOOKEEPER : Too many connections

I am using Hbase-Hadoop combination for my application along with Data Nucleus as the ORM. When I am trying to …

jdo hbase datanucleus apache-zookeeper
HBase: How does replication work?

I'm currently evaluating HBase as a Datastore, but one question was left unanswered: HBase stores many copies of the same …

hadoop hbase
Integrate Hbase with PHP

I have installed the Hbase and now I am looking for some PHP library to integrate hbase with PHP I …

php hbase thrift
How to create a Phoenix Table / View over an Existing Hbase table

I am new to Phoenix, Hbase. We have a requirement to issue SQL Like queries against Hbase Database. A decision …

sql apache hbase phoenix
Specify multiple filters in hbase

Is there a way to specify multiple filters during a scan? For example - Specify both a ColumnFamilyFilter and RowFilter? …

java hbase
Hbase mapreduce error

I write job mapreduce.The input is a table in hbase. When job run, had error : org.apache.hadoop.hbase.…

hadoop hbase
hadoop and hbase rebalancing after node additions

I have a fundamental question about load balancer. I just finished adding new nodes to our hadoop(2.3) cluster which also …

hadoop hbase
HBase: Thrift vs Rest performance

I know there are a couple of post on StackOverflow about REST and Thrift for HBase, but I would like …

node.js rest hadoop hbase thrift
HBase column families: how many?

Probably there are a lot of similar questions but they dont' answer to my scenario (at least I'm not able …
