I need to use a Scan in HBase for scanning all rows that meet certain criteria: that's the reason why I will use a filter (really a compound filter list that includes two SingleColumnValueFilter). Now, I have my rowKeys structured in this way:
and as an additional requirement, I need to iterate only those rows having a rowKey starting with "a.b.x|1"
Now, the questions
Thanks in advance
Row keys are sorted(lexical) in hbase. Hence all the "a.b.x|1"s would come before "a.b.x|2"s and so on.. As rows keys are stored as byte arrays and are lexicographically sorted, be careful with non fixed length row keys and when you are mixing up different character classes. But for your requirement something on this lines should work:
Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes("a.b.x|1"),Bytes.toBytes("a.b.x|2"); //creating a scan object with start and stop row keys
scan.setFilter(colFilter);//set the Column filters you have to this scan object.
//And then you can get a scanner object and iterate through your results
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
for (Result result = scanner.next(); result != null; result = scanner.next())
//Use the result object
update: ToBytes should be toBytes