Top "Sqoop" questions

Sqoop is an open source connectivity framework that facilitates transfer between multiple Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and HDFS.

How to copy data from one HDFS to another HDFS?

I have two HDFS setup and want to copy (not migrate or move) some tables from HDFS1 to HDFS2. How …

hadoop hdfs bigdata sqoop
Using Sqoop to import data from MySQL to Hive

I am using Sqoop (version 1.4.4) to import data from MySQL to Hive. The data will be a subset of one …

mysql hadoop hive sqoop
what are the following commands in sqoop?

Can anyone tell me what is the use of --split-by and boundary query in sqoop? sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://…

Sqoop Incremental Import

Need advice on Sqoop Incremental Imports. Say I have a Customer with Policy 1 on Day 1 and I imported those records …

Sqoop import having SQL query with where clause

sqoop import --connect jdbc:teradata://192.168.xx.xx/DBS_PORT=1025,DATABASE=ds_tbl_db --driver com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver --username dbc …

Multiple table join in hive

I have migrated Teradata tables' data into hive . Now I have to build summary tables on top of imported data. …

hadoop hive teradata sqoop
Sqoop: Could not load mysql driver exception

I Installed Sqoop in my local machine. Following are the config information. Bash.bashrc: export HADOOP_HOME=/home/hduser/hadoop …

mysql hadoop hive sqoop
What's the difference between Flume and Sqoop?

Both Flume and Sqoop are meant for data movement, then what is the difference between them? Under what condition should …

hadoop sqoop flume
sqoop import multiple tables

We are using Cloudera CDH 4 and we are able to import tables from our Oracle databases into our HDFS warehouse …

hadoop hive hdfs sqoop
How to use Sqoop in Java Program?

I know how to use sqoop through command line. But dont know how to call sqoop command using java programs . …

java hadoop sqoop