Top "Handle" questions

Handle is an abstraction of a resource or a reference to an entity.

Proper way close WinAPI HANDLEs (avoiding of repeated closing)

I have some handle and I need to close it. There is some places in code, where handle may be …

c++ winapi handle hbitmap
How to plot several curves in MATLAB using handles

I am plotting data in MATLAB in real time. I want to use a handle. My problem is I do …

matlab real-time handle lineseries
Handling a timeout exception in Python

I'm looking for a way to handle timeout exceptions for my Reddit bot which uses PRAW (Python). It times out …

python exception timeout handle praw
Resize Element with box handles in corners

in Jcrop , after selecting cropping area , a div appears with box handles in corners. Is there any jQuery plugin that …

jquery handle jcrop
How can I check if a MATLAB handle is valid?

I manipulate data on a plot using its handle: x = 1:10; y = sin(x); h1 = line(x,y); However, if the …

matlab graphics handle
Force create handle for Control

I'm currently creating a silent print module. The current control I'm using is, it's making sure that the control handle …

c# controls handle
Can I output a Windows handle using %p specifier?

This is a kind of follow-up to this question. Windows SDK features HANDLE datatype that is defined in WinNT.h …

c++ winapi pointers handle format-specifiers
Convert/Cast String (from a textbox) to IntPtr C#

I have a textbox where I want to input (manually) a Handle ( My …

c# casting handle intptr
Get Control/Form object from IntPtr Handle

I try to get the managed control from a shown Word Application window using following code: Process[] processes = null; processes = …

c# .net windows handle hwnd
How to use Control.FromHandle?

I saw a method called Control.FromHandle which (should) give you the access to it. Now, I wanted to try …

c# forms controls handle findwindow