Top "Handle" questions

Handle is an abstraction of a resource or a reference to an entity.

How can I tell if a given hWnd is still valid?

I'm using a third-party class that spawns an instance of Internet Explorer. This class has a property, hWnd, that returns …

c# winforms handle hwnd
Delphi: Check whether file is in use

I want to write to/delete a file but sometimes I get a crash if the file is in use …

delphi file handle
Jquery UI sortable, button is not working as handle

I am trying to sort tr's in a table. code $("table tbody").sortable({ handle: 'button' //handle: 'img' }).disableSelection(); live fiddle …

jquery jquery-ui handle jquery-ui-sortable
Handle Keyboard Done pressed event on Iphone

I am moving my view when a text field is pressed in order to get proper view when keyboard appears. …

iphone keyboard key handle
How do you get a Process' main window handle in C#?

The objective is to programmatically start a Windows Form, get its handle, and send info to its wndProc() function using …

c# process window handle
Can I use SafeHandle instead of IntPtr?

I've searched the internet far and wide but didn't find a good explanation. My question is pretty simple. I have …

c# pinvoke marshalling handle
How do you obtain Current Window Handle Count and Window Handle Limit in .NET?

I want to obtain the current number of window handles and the system-wide window handle limit in C#. How do …

.net window handle
WinAPI: OpenProcess() returns error 5 with SeDebugPrivilege enabled for host process

I've got a routine where I process-walk to obtain the HANDLE of each process as I 'walk' down the list (…

c++ winapi handle getlasterror openprocess
How to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess?

This "simple" issue seems to be fraught with side issues. eg. Does the new process open multiple windows; Does it …

c++ process window handle
Matlab ode45. How to change a parameter inside it while calling it?

I'm new with Matlab. I hope you can help me. I have to solve a system of ODEs using ODE45 …

function matlab handle solver ode