HAML is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code.
is there an existing plugin/app/program/script/whatever that analyzes and counts the css selectors of a file? i …
css css-selectors haml sass compass-sassI'm using the rails framework with HAML and I have bootstrap setup. How would I format the field inputs seperately. …
ruby-on-rails ruby haml twitter-bootstrap-railsI have = image_tag "chart.jpg" I am new to HAML so how do I add a class to this?
hamlIm getting into Backbone.js to structure the javascript code for my project and I love HAML for templating on …
javascript templates haml backbone.jsIs there a way to achieve this in HAML? <h1>Lorem ip<span class="red">sum&…
haml removing-whitespaceI am using haml with my rails application and i have a question how the easiest way to insert this …
ruby-on-rails ruby hamlI have the following piece of code %br = f.label :active, 'Status' = f.select :active, ['Active','Inactive'] Symbol :active is …
ruby-on-rails hamlRight now, I do a get '/' do set :base_url, "#{request.env['rack.url_scheme']}://#{request.env['HTTP_…
ruby sinatra hamlI have a Rails app with Haml views. Now I want to add AngularJS to some parts of the application, …
ruby-on-rails-3 angularjs hamlWhat I want is both whats in "if" and whats in "else" to include #main-block. - if @transparency #content-inner{:style =&…
ruby haml