Top "Haml" questions

HAML is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code.

Using Haml & Sass with Eclipse

Are there any plugins for eclipse that add syntax highlighting and other niceties for editing Haml and Sass? Google searches …

eclipse haml sass
2 Spaces or 1 Tab, what's the standard for indentation in the Rails Community?

I've noticed that most of the HTML/XML/HAML that gets generated from plugins uses 2 spaces instead of 1 tab. I …

html ruby-on-rails xml indentation haml
Best way to handle data attributes in Slim

I was evaluating Slim as a replacement for HAML in a personal project, and it doesn't appear to handle HTML5 …

ruby-on-rails ruby haml templating slim-lang
HAML - add type=text/css to <style> tag with :css filter

I'm trying to add some inline CSS in a HAML file. I thought that %noscript :css .pagecontent {display:none;} would …

css haml sass noscript
How to do an if/else in HAML without repeating indented code

Depending on if a user is signed in or not, I'd like to print a different kind of %body-tag. This …

ruby haml
Is there a HAML implementation for use with Python and Django

I happened to stumble across HAML, an interesting and beautiful way to mark up contents and write templates for HTML. …

python django django-templates haml
Multiple multi-line HAML blocks

Using the (intentionally) strange multi-line format for HAML, I'd like to have the following lines in my template: = call_to_…

ruby-on-rails haml
call javascript function from haml link_to

I would like to invoke a javascript function (without JQuery) when the onclick even fires from a link_to tag …

javascript onclick haml link-to
Haml -Illegal nesting: nesting within plain text is illegal

I am facing a weird error in my code while using HAML where my code is working on my Local …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 haml
put haml tags inside link_to helper

is it possible to add html-content inside a link_to helper in HAML? i tried this, but all i get …

ruby hyperlink haml